Religious voters favor McCain, poll claims
Sen. John McCain / Sen. Barack Obama
Princeton, Jul 15, 2008 / 06:17 am (CNA).- A new Gallup Poll claims to show that registered voters who say religion is important in their lives tend to support presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain by a margin of 50 to 40 percent, while those who say religion is unimportant to their lives tend to support presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama by a margin of 55 to 36 percent. Here is the link to the full article and my comments published on CNA.
Subscriber comments:
Published by: James
Tampa/FL 16/07/2008 09:51 PM EST
Followers of Jesus can not work to elect a man who is not willing to protect all the babies that have miraculously survived an abortion. Barrack Obama is one of the few men alive who is in favor of keeping partial birth abortions legal; additionally he favors the destruction of all the babies that survive abortions at the will of an abortionist, and sadly he promotes the deadly and completely unnecessary research done on embryonic stem cells. Each of these stands is in-defensible for a follower of Jesus Christ. In prayer we must ask our Mother Mary about the pain and suffering of all these millions upon millions of mothers who suffer deeply on account of their abortion. We Catholics are not morally allowed to vote for Barrack Obama because he has promised to continue these immoral stands. This is non-negotiable and supporters of Barrack are complicit in mortal sin with their votes. The war though not something any man of sound mind favors, is not morally in the same category of non-negotiable.
Published by: James
Port Orange/FL/USA 15/07/2008 10:43 PM EST
After all we Catholics have been given by Pope John Paul the Great and our current Pope, Pope Benedict on the Theology of the Body, not one Catholic should support Barrack Obama on account of his stand on homosexuality. The Theology of the Body is the clearest argument there is for Christians to do all they can to see that Barack Obama is not our next President. The culture of death led in vast part by a media that fully promotes the illusionary concept of homosexual marriage is fully supported by Barrack Obama. This stand is an attack on The Lord and the Sacrament of marriage. We can not let this happen! Christians must unite and fight so these travesties of Justice never happen in America. God Bless America, Land that I love!
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